How to Prepare for Family Therapy in Singapore

Family counselling in Singapore provides a systematic method to tackle various family-related issues such as breakdowns in communication, conflicts, and behavioural concerns.

Whether it involves addressing systemic issues through family therapy, providing child counselling for younger family members, or offering youth counselling for adolescents, thorough preparation is essential to fully capitalise on these sessions’ advantages.

Discover how to prepare for these therapy sessions, ensuring every member of your family approaches these schedules without reluctance and reservations.

Setting Clear Objectives

Setting clear objectives is necessary before attending your first family counselling session. Discuss as a family what you hope to achieve from the counselling. Are you looking to resolve specific conflicts, improve communication, or address behavioural issues? Establishing goals helps provide direction and focus during the sessions. This step also ensures that all family members are aligned and committed to the process.

Researching Your Counsellor

Choosing the right family counsellor is vital for effective therapy. Explore potential counsellors by looking into their qualifications, experience, and areas of expertise. Many counsellors in Singapore have specific specialisations, such as child or youth counselling. Ensure the counsellor you select is registered with relevant professional bodies and has positive reviews from previous clients.

Preparing Mentally and Emotionally

Family counselling can be an emotionally charged experience. Preparing your family members mentally and emotionally is essential for these sessions. Encourage open-mindedness and a willingness to engage in honest conversations. Discuss the importance of being respectful and non-judgmental towards each other’s feelings and perspectives. This mental and emotional readiness can significantly impact the effectiveness of the counselling sessions.

Practical Preparations

Family Therapy

Scheduling and Logistics

  • Choose a convenient time for the counselling sessions that work for all family members.
  • Ensure sessions do not conflict with vital commitments such as work or school.


  • Find out whether the counselling sessions will be held in-person or online.
  • If in-person, ensure the location is accessible and familiar to reduce anxiety.

Necessary Documentation

  • Gather any relevant documents that might be useful for the counselling sessions, such as previous medical records or school reports.

Communicating with Your Children

Communicating effectively with your children is necessary, particularly if the counselling involves child or youth counselling. Explain the purpose of counselling in an age-appropriate manner. Reassure them that counselling is a safe space where they can express their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgement. Address any concerns or misconceptions they may have about the process.

Establishing Ground Rules

Establish ground rules for family counselling to ensure productive sessions. These rules can include:

  • Speaking one at a time and listening without interrupting.
  • Respecting each other’s opinions and feelings.
  • Being honest and transparent during discussions.

Identifying Key Issues

Identify the key issues you want to address before the first session. Make a list of specific problems, incidents, or patterns of behaviour that need attention. This approach helps the counsellor understand the family dynamics and tailor the sessions to address these issues effectively. Be as detailed and specific as possible when listing these issues.

Setting Realistic Expectations

Counselling is a process that takes time and effort. Have realistic expectations about what can be achieved in family or child counselling. Understand that progress may be gradual and that setbacks can occur. Maintain a positive outlook and focus on the long-term benefits of the counselling process.

Preparing for Homework Assignments

Family counsellors often assign homework to reinforce what is discussed during the sessions. Be prepared to complete these assignments as a family. These assignments may include practising communication techniques, keeping a journal, or engaging in specific activities designed to strengthen family bonds. For instance, child counselling in Singapore often involves worksheets as post-therapy activity. These worksheets allow parents to understand their children’s cognitive processes better. Taking these assignments seriously is vital for the success of the therapy.

Reviewing Progress Regularly

Regularly review the progress of the counselling sessions as a family. Discuss what is working well and what might need adjustment. Provide feedback to the counsellor about the sessions and any concerns you may have. This ongoing review helps ensure the counselling process remains useful and relevant to your family’s needs.


Engaging in family therapy in Singapore necessitates careful planning and proactive measures. Establishing clear goals, selecting an appropriate counsellor, and preparing both mentally and emotionally are essential steps. Furthermore, fostering effective communication among all family members contributes to a supportive atmosphere for meaningful and transformative counselling sessions. Whether the focus is on family therapy, child counselling, or youth counselling, comprehensive preparation significantly improves the overall experience and results of the counselling journey.

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